Volunteer Interest

#CONNECT with the LPO




There are many ways to get involved at LHS!

  • From working a regular shift in the Lancers Landing School Store, to one time volunteer opportunities for Back-to-School events, Homecoming, Special Olympics or Staff
  • Appreciation, all parents are encouraged to actively engage at LHS and LPO events. 
  • There are also opportunities to support the annual grade-level community events.
  • Visit the LPO website regularly and read the weekly LPO newsletter to stay up-to-date with all that is going on in our school.
  • Let us know how you would like to get involved and we will direct you to the best person to connect with.
  • The LPO is here to support and guide you and we are always happy to help.



The LPO's Mission

  • Promote the welfare and education of Lafayette High School Students

  • Support the School in improving education in cooperation with administrative policy

  • Raise funds for programs and materials to enhance education

  • Bring about a closer relationship between the home and school that parents and teachers may work cooperatively in the education of our students

  • Foster communication, cooperation, support, information and education within the Rockwood School District and LHS, including district and LHS staff, students, parents and the general community.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the LPO!  Please complete this form and someone will follow up with you to connect you to the area that most interests you!
Questions? Email us at LancerParentOrgCommunity@gmail.com
We look forward to meeting you, tell us who you are.

LPO Board Positions

LPO Co-VP Communications
Co-Vice President of Communications oversees the following LPO committees: LPO directory, LPO social media, and LPO directory. The Vice President is responsible for overall LPO communications and the LPO newsletter creation and distribution.

LPO Leadership Positions

Class of 2026 Class Director(s)
If you are a person who wants to connect with your students grade-level class and with your class administrator this is for you! This position is the liaison between the grade-level administrator and the LPO. Directors communicate regularly with the grade-level families to keep them informed about what is happening with your class through the weekly LPO newsletter, the LPO grade-level webpage, and grade-level social media accounts. Class Directors also fulfill the duties of the class treasurer and events chair in the event those positions remain vacant.

Committee Chair Positions
Interested in an LPO Committee Chair Position? Please check all areas of interest that apply.

Class Events Chairs
Class of 2025 Events Chair(s)
Chairs are responsible for organizing and executing the class events & fundraiser.

Class of 2026 Events Chair(s)
Taste of West County: Spring Semester of each school year Chairs are responsible for organizing and executing the class events and fundraiser.

Class of 2027 Events Chair(s)
Chair Trivia Night: Spring Semester of each school year Chairs are responsible for organizing and executing the class events and fundraiser.

Class of 2028 Events Chair(s)
Winter Carnival: January of each school year Chairs are responsible for organizing and executing the class events and fundraiser.

Community Events Chairs
LPO Community Events - Homecoming
Friday, October 4, 2024 3:30pm

This volunteer role does NOT plan homecoming for the school. This role supports the LPO's involvement in the homecoming events.  Volunteers secure and coordinate judges for the homecoming parade, set up and tear down the judges stand in the neighboring subdivision before and after the parade, and assist with providing the administration with anything they need for their parade participation.  Time frame - Late September/early October

LPO Community Events - Volleyball Challenge
Friday, April 11, 2025 5:00pm

This volunteer role does NOT plan the Volleyball Challenge for the school. This event is organized and executed by the LHS Admin. Volunteers assist the VP of School Community in supporting the Lafayette High School administration as they host the annual Volleyball Challenge. The Volleyball Challenge is a community event where LHS quadrant schools staff participate in a volleyball tournament. Volunteers purchase snacks and food to sell at the concessions stand during the event. There is no cooking involved. Volunteers also purchase gift cards for the winning volleyball team. Additional volunteers help run the concession stand the evening of the event. Families and students are encouraged to attend and support their school. The LPO provides parent volunteers the day of the event and organizes concession stand sales during the event. Time frame – Friday evening in April

LPO Community Events - Special Olympics
Friday, April 25, 2025 - during the school day

This volunteer role does NOT plan the Special Olympics for the school. LHS Student Council hosts the Special Olympics for the LHS quadrant schools and is responsible for organizing and running the Special Olympics. This LPO role supports the LPO's involvement in the Special Olympics. Volunteers purchase snacks and food to sell at the concessions stand during the event. There is no cooking involved. There are additional volunteer opportunities to assist with Special Olympics the day of the event and that sign up is published spring semester. Time frame – April (during the school day)

School Store Day Managers

Store Day Managers work during the same morning or lunch shift weekly.

Store Day Managers oversee their daily shift operations. They prep the store to open, work the shift and close the store all with the help of additional parent volunteers. Day Manager's communicate regularly with the Store Managers regarding volunteer and inventory needs.  No experience necessary, training provided.  Can job share week to week if needed.

Time frame – Throughout the school year

Open Day Manager Positions:
Day Managers are the shift leaders when the school store is open. All school store shifts have one ay Manager and 1-3 additional parent volunteers to run the store. Day Mangers maintain a consistent scheudle of ever week, biweekly or once a month. They are responisbile for opening the store, making sure it is stocked, and managing the money and deposits for the day. Day Managers are the shift leaders when the school store is open. All school store shifts have one ay Manager and 1-3 additional parent volunteers to run the store. Day Mangers maintain a consistent scheudle of ever week, biweekly or once a month. They are responisbile for opening the store, making sure it is stocked, and managing the money and deposits for the day. Day Managers are the shift leaders when the school store is open. All school store shifts have one ay Manager and 1-3 additional parent volunteers to run the store. Day Mangers maintain a consistent scheudle of ever week, biweekly or once a month. They are responisbile for opening the store, making sure it is stocked, and managing the money and deposits for the day. Day Managers are the shift leaders when the school store is open. All school store shifts have one ay Manager and 1-3 additional parent volunteers to run the store. Day Mangers maintain a consistent scheudle of ever week, biweekly or once a month. They are responisbile for opening the store, making sure it is stocked, and managing the money and deposits for the day.

Social Media Chair
Social Media Chair
Maintain the Lancer Parent Organziation Social Media Sites. Someone who has experinece with Canva and creating QR codes preferred.

Website Chair (LPO website)
Website Chair:
Maintain the Lancer Parent Organziation Website. Training provided.

General Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering to help on a committee? Please check all areas of interest that apply.

School Store Volunteer
School Store Volunteer
There are many opportunities to work in the school store. There are morning and lunch shifts, and different shift times depending on the day of the week. The school store volunteer sign ups are posted for specific shift sign ups early August. Visit the LPO website, "Get Involved!" tab to see what shifts are avaiable.

Senior Class Events
Senior Class Events

Select all committees you would like to help with

Junior Class Events - Taste of West County February 24, 2025
Junior Class Events

Select all committees you would like to help with for Taste of West County February 24, 2025


Sophomore Class Events - Trivia Night March 1, 2025
Sophomore Class Events

Select all committees you would like to help with for Trivia Night March 1, 2025


Freshman Class Events - Winter Carnival January 25, 2025
Freshman Class Events

Select all committees you would like to help with for Winter Carnival January 25, 2025